Tuesday, June 26, 2007


In theory, everybody buys the best and cheapest commodities offered him on the market. In practice, if everyone went around pricing ... the dozens … of brands … which are for sale, economic life would be hopelessly jammed. To avoid such confusion, society consents to have its choice narrowed to ideas and objects brought to it attention through propaganda….

There is consequently a vast and continuous effort going on to capture our minds in the interest of some policy or commodity or idea.
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[T]oday, because ideas can be instantaneously transmited to any distance and to any number of people … geographical integration has been supplemented by many other kinds of grouping so that persons having the same ideas and intersts may be associated and regimented for common action even though they live thousands of miles apart.

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[G]overnment is government only by virtue of public acquiescence.

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