Monday, July 19, 2010

Generation Digital 1.0

I remember the internet before the graphical web browser.

I remember pledging allegiance to Mosaic.

I placed my first order with in 1995 (Tufte's 'Envisioning Information') and I've remained loyal to Amazon despite their horrific recommendation engine that still occasionally recommends the Tufte books - all of which I've purchased through Amazon over the years.

(Dear Amazon - the Kindle is a red herring that's diverted your attention from the real prize. For the sake of those of us still brand loyal, please take a page out of the Netflix play book and get ready for the future. HINT: The future is not about proprietary formats and hardware: it's about facilitating the seek and find process while making your customers feel smarter. Think 'erudition engine' rather than publication models.)

And, of course, I did a tour of duty at - that icon of brilliance and innovation, dreams and riches.

Those of us who can say 'me too' to any of the above are a bona fide generation, first-generation digital professionals, 'Generation Digital 1.0.'

AdWeek's coverage of Omnicom's announcement of the 'deconstruction' of is no surprise to anyone who has followed the company through the peaks and valleys of its post incarnations. (And, let the record show that I was NOT at when they pitched Subway.)

But surprising or not, the occasion is indeed a momentous one, for it demarcates the end of the Digital 1.0er generation.

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